On 23 December 2022, the Pre-Insolvency Act (Chapter 631 of the Laws of Malta) (“Pre-Insolvency Act”), came into force, introducing new preventive restructuring procedures. The Pre-Insolvency Act marks a significant advancement in the Maltese restructuring framework, complementing the pre-existing debt restructuring mechanisms, which include:
We are pleased to share our latest instalment of ML Covered, our monthly round-up of key events relevant to those dealing with Management Liability Policies covering D&O, EPL and PTL-type risks.
Insolvency Service publishes its 2024/25 enforcement actions against directors
The Insolvency Service has published its enforcement outcomes for 2024-25, detailing the enforcement actions taken against directors. The information is not for the entire year but covers the period between April 2024 to December 2024.
Market conditions are growing increasingly difficult as the restructuring wave reaches Germany. Many German companies are struggling as they are faced with the challenge of structural changes and a necessity to adapt their processes and strategies. At the same time, significant change in the financing sector is adding to the pressure on borrowers: business models must be crisis-proof and costs reduced – while at the same time it is necessary to position oneself for the future.
このたび、森・濱田松本法律事務所アジアプラクティスグループでは、東南・南アジ ア各国のリーガルニュースを集めたニュースレター、MHM Asian Legal Insights第160 号(2024 年 2 月号)を作成いたしました。今後の皆様の東南・南アジアにおける業務 展開の一助となれば幸いに存じます。 ※本レターに記載した円建て表記は、ご参照のために、各現地通貨を現在の為替レー トで換算したものとなります。
マレーシアの Income Tax Act 1967 が改正され、2024 年 1 月 1 日より、一定の会社 の株式の譲渡益はキャピタルゲイン課税の対象となりました。改正後も個人による譲渡 については課税対象外とされていますが、会社等の法人による譲渡の場合は一定の課税 が生じます。 2024 年 1 月 1 日からの譲渡益課税の対象となるのは、以下の会社の株式の譲渡益で す。
#1: Artificial Intelligence
The impact of artificial intelligence on the legal profession was a hot topic in 2023, with the English judiciary receiving guidance on the use of the technology. Debate on the role and regulation of AI is likely to continue throughout 2024, particularly as more specific applications are developed and demonstrated.
2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain 2024 Viewpoint Spain 2 2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain December 2023 Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year. 2024 promises to be an intense year in terms of statutory and case law.
ntroduction The priority of governments and financial authorities around the world in 2023, including in Canada, has been to reduce inflation while monitoring and addressing financial sector risks. The Bank of Canada estimates that inflation will likely remain near 3% through 2024, given strong household spending levels supported by tight labour markets, population growth and high levels of accumulated household savings.
ChatGPT was launched less than 18 months ago. This relatively brief period feels like a lifetime, considering the seismic changes to date which are likely only the start.
On 17 April 2024 the UK Jurisdiction Taskforce (theUKJT), chaired by Sir Geoffrey Vos published its Legal Statement on Digital Assets and English Insolvency Law.
The UK National Security and Investment Act came into force on 4 January 2022, significantly extending the UK Government’s power to investigate and intervene in transactions which pose, or could pose, threats to the UK’s national security.